Merchant Account for Online Dating Industry (MCC 7273)
Statistics show that Online Dating industry is changing perceptions and dynamics within social norms regarding Online Dating and relationships among adults. Hence, online dating websites are growing popularity as well as profitability in today’s world. The first and foremost requirement for the operation of your business is the need for a merchant account.
However, finding a merchant account for your business can be the difficult task as your business falls under a high risk business category. As a result, It doesn’t matter which one you choose. If you get too many charge-backs your merchant account will be closed no matter what you do and you won’t be able to get a new merchant account.
Businesses that have high refunds and returns lead to charge-backs are considered high-risk businesses. The main issue is that Visa and MasterCard have such strict guidelines regarding the maximum number of charge-backs a merchant can have per month.
Exceeding of these limitations puts merchant in a special monitoring program of the card company and the acquiring bank. Such “special” treatment leads to the penalties and ends up with a termination of the merchant account.
The reason your business falls under a high-risk category like Online Dating is:
- High Charge-backs: In the adult Online Dating industry there is a higher probability of charge-backs. Therefore, this is the most critical factor for conventional banks. Especially when they consider an application for such a high-risk business.
A charge-back is cancellation of a card transaction.
The charge-backs may occur due to some processing errors, customer disputes, and dissatisfaction, fraud, etc.
Most of acquiring banks, payment gateway providers deny giving merchant account to Online Dating business because merchant accounts that take too much charge-backs are a higher risk for them.
- Stability: Online dating Industry has instability issues that makes it high risk. This industry has shown rapid growth in past few years but has the stability issues with it, as a result, this industry a high-risk industry.
With multiple options because dating website available to the customers, the struggle to elevate your business to a stable and sustainable into the market is challenging issue for the entrepreneur.
- Perception: Regardless of your website, how honest your business is this industry carries the risk of association with the escort services. Association with escorts can lead to cases against business and no business, merchant account provider want unnecessary reputation risk to them.
This perception causes banks to categorically label any ‘adult’ dating website as a risky proposition.
[heading size=”e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6″ color=”e.g. #000″]Requirement of Offshore Merchant Accounts (with payment processing history)[/heading]
- 3-6 months of payment processing statements
- 6 months business banking statements
- Approvals: 5 business days to two weeks
The requirement of Offshore Start-ups Online Dating Website Merchant Accounts
- 6 months of business banking statements
- If no business banking statements, 3 months of personal banking statements
- Approvals: 5 business days to two weeks
So, when people pay for love but they don’t find out, they ask for their money back. With more than 2.1 billion in annual revenue. There is huge profit-making potential in this industry. But securing against some of the riskier aspects of the business is going to be crucial to securing a payment processing partner. With due process and research, you can find an adult merchant account for your adult dating website.
Merchant account aforementioned benefits, the guarantee of honesty, accountability, and transparency. If you want to more help then call us at +1 (727) 330 – 3944 or
email to
We understand the importance of each business and can offer reliable and secure card processing solutions that will make the management of your business easier and more effective.
In conclusion, fееl frее to get in tоuсh, wе’ll bе glаd tо hеаr from уоu!
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