Network After Work Tampa at Yeoman’s Cask & Lion

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Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Tampa FL

Network After Work invites you to an evening out with other local business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, and career-minded professionals on Thursday March 22nd at Yeoman’s Cask & Lion. 

Hosted by America’s leader in networking mixer events, enjoy introductions and conversations after work in a casual environment ideal for networking, featuring British inspired food and beverages in a space with modern decor.

It’s a great chance to get out of your office (home or otherwise), step away from the computer, put your phone down, and meet new people who are eager to exchange ideas, make connections, explore partnerships, find employees, get to know you, or just shoot the breeze about movies and sports.

  • Color-Connect Name Badge
  • Light Appetizers from 6-7pm
  • Drink Specials from 6-7pm

Whether you have a specific business or career goal in mind, or just see the value in having deeper roots in the local community, this is the event for you.

Tickets start at $20 at the door, so reserve your spot now to ensure entrance and save money. There are several ticket levels available for this event to meet your specific needs.

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