Offline vs Online Payment Processing – Most of the money transfer is done via online payment methods now. But everybody remembers the good old d...
Chargeback Representment
What is a Chargeback? Chargeback is a mechanism by which a cardholder claims the merchant and calls the credit card issuer to dispute a transaction th...
Do you know, a card holder can challenge the transaction dispute, if decision is ruled in favor of Merchant
With the advent of technology, growing usage of e-commerce by merchants to sell goods on the global level. It is been observed that the people have st...
Duplicate Processing Chargeback
The Era of Technology Today, businesses are rapidly improving their working techniques by implementing the technology to their working process. Techno...
How retrieval process can avoid a potential transaction dispute
If you have pay or collect payments through the internet payment portals for the products or services, you must know that the people have ri...
Visa Reason Code 62
Credit cards can be replicated into fake and can cause loss of profits for a business! In this age where credit card payment is one of the safest...
Responding to Claims of “Service or Merchandise Not Received”
In this digital age, almost everything is available at our fingertips or just a few clicks away. And, there is no better example of this than the upwa...
How Recurring Transactions End Up as Chargebacks
A recurring transaction is a charge for services or goods that get an application to a cardholder’s credit or debit card multiple times at regular i...
Ubiquity and Chargeback Whаt dо уоu understand bу thе word Ubiquity? And hоw саn wе relate it tо chargeback? Ubiquity саn bе defined а�...
The Basics of Chargeback Prevention A common problem for businesses that accept credit card transactions iѕ thе possibility оf thе cardholder atte...